Generating SRC files
use –action=
to generate SRC file from NIFTI or DICOM files
Convert one 4d NIFTI file and generate an SRC file subject001.nii.gz.src.gz
dsi_studio --action=src --source=c:\subject001.nii.gz
Convert one 4d NIFTI file and specify the location of bval and bvec (only needed when DSI Studio cannot find them)
dsi_studio --action=src --source=c:\subject001.nii.gz --bval=bval --bvec=bvec
*Convert DWI NIFTI files in a BIDS folder and output all SRC files to a folder
dsi_studio --action=src --source=./bids_root_folder --output=/src_files
*Convert DWI NIFTI files in a BIDS session folder and output one SRC file or its reverse phase encoding RSRC file
dsi_studio --action=src --source=./sub-01/ses-01/dwi --bids=1
Combine two 4d NIFTI files and generate one SRC file
dsi_studio --action=src --source=HCA9992517_V1_MR_dMRI_dir98_AP.nii.gz --other_source=HCA9992517_V1_MR_dMRI_dir99_AP.nii.gz
Search all DICOM files under the assigned directory and output SRC file
dsi_studio --action=src --source=C:\20081006_11_00814348_DWI_WIP_DSI_203 --output=c:\20081006_11_00814348_DWI_WIP_DSI_203.src.gz
Find all *98_AP.nii.gz file and combine its corresponding 99_AP.nii.gz file to generate one combined SRC file
dsi_studio --action=rec --source=*98_AP.nii.gz --other_source=*99_AP.nii.gz
Parse all 4d NIFTI files in a folder (each of them has a bval and bvec file that shares a similar file name) and generate corresponding SRC files to a new folder
dsi_studio --action=src --source=*.nii.gz --output=/src_folder
Windows batch file for creating src files from HCP datasets
cd F:\HCP\
dir ?????? /b > file_list.txt
for /f "delims=" %%x in (file_list.txt) do (
call dsi_studio.exe --action=src --source=F:\HCP\%%x\T1w\Diffusion\data.nii.gz --output=F:\%%x.src.gz > F:\%%x.txt
Windows batch script for creating src from NIFTI data
dir ????? /b > file_list.txt
for /f "delims=" %%x in (file_list.txt) do (
call dsi_studio.exe --action=src --source=%%x\%%x_dwi_QCed.nii --bval=%%x\%%x_QC.bval --bvec=%%x\%%x_QC.bvec --output=%%x.src.gz
Core Functions
Parameters | Description |
source | Specify a directory storing DICOM/NIFTI files or the filename of a 4D NIFTI file |
Optional Functions
Parameters | Description |
other_source | Specify other files to be included in the SRC file. Multiple files can be assigned using comma separator, (e.g. –other_source=1.nii.gz,2.nii.gz) |
output | Assign the output src file name (.src.gz) or the output folder |
b_table | Assign the text file to replace b-table |
bval | Specify the location of the FSL bval filea |
bvec | Specify the location of the FSL bvec filea |
afor most cases, DSI Studio can automatically associate bval and bvec with NIFTI automatically.
Accessory Functions
Parameters | Default | Description |
recursive | 0 |
Search all NIFTI or DICOM files under the directory specified in –source |
bids | 0 not bids |
Specify whether to use BIDS standard to parse a folder specified by –source |
overwrite | 0 no overwrite |
Specify whether to overwrite existing files |