
use –action=vis to initiate 3D rendering interface for visualization


Load all fib file and its correponding tract file. Add an isosurface,and save the rendering image in horizontal layout.

dsi_studio --action=vis --source=sub001.fib.gz --cmd="set_zoom,1.0+restore_rendering+add_surface,Full+save_h3view_image,sub001.png"

Load an fib file and a tract file. Set the view from the top and save the rendering image as 1.jpg.

dsi_studio --action=vis --source=test.fib.gz --cmd="set_view,2+save_image,1.jpg,1024 800"

Load an FIB file and keep GUI open:

dsi_studio --action=vis --source=test.fib.gz --stay_open=1

Load multiple TRK files and keep GUI open:

dsi_studio --action=vis --source=test.fib.gz --tract="," --cmd=" " --stay_open=1

Load trk and fib files to rendering their 3D images (Windows batch script)

FOR /F "delims=" %%A in ('dir *.fib.gz /b /on') do (
    call dsi_studio.exe --action=vis --source=%%A --cmd="add_surface,0,0+slice_off+save_h3view_image,%%A.jpg+save_h3view_image,%%A.jpg" > %%A_.txt

Core Functions

Parameters Default Description
source   specify the fib.gz file for automatic bundle tracking.
stay_open 0 assign “–stay_open=1” to allow GUI to stay open after the command line
tract   (optional) specify the track files to open. To load multiple files, use “,” to separate multiple track files.
cmd   specify the function to execute. Multiple commands can be combined using “+” as the separator (e.g. –cmd=”add_surface+save_image”)

The following commands are for controlling the interface:

The following commands are for saving a file.

You may specify the file name. For example “add_surface+save_image,file_name.jpg”

The following commands are for fiber tracking, visualization, and track editing